C# Design Patterns Cheat Sheet

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In the C programming language, operations can be performed on a bit level using bitwise operators. Bitwise operations are contrasted by byte-level operations which characterize the bitwise operators' logical counterparts, the AND, OR and NOT operators. Instead of performing on individual bits, byte-level operators perform on strings of eight bits at a time. The reason for this is that a byte is normally the smallest unit of addressable memory. This applies to bitwise operators as well, which mea. Study break from Programming methodology final, go to reddit, find Design pattern cheat sheet. I just took my OO Programming and Design final on Thursday.

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C# Design Patterns Cheat Sheet

Here’s a quick cheat sheet for lots of design patterns. The examples in thispost are linked to Java examples however they are not limited to a singlelanguage implementation. Special thanks to Derek Banas.

  • Observer Design Pattern: Contains an object usually referred to asthe subject that maintains a a list of dependent classes called observers.The subject object notifies all observers automatically of any state changesby calling their methods.
  • Factory Design Pattern: Creates objects that share the same superclass type. Usually has a method named like makeTypeOfSuperClass which acceptsan argument to tell it what to do.
  • Abstract Factory Design Pattern: Groups together individualfactories. The objects that the these factories return share a common API.
  • Singleton Design Pattern: Used to eliminate the option of instantiatingmore than one object. Contains a static variable that holds the first instanceof the object created. This object is always is returned. Typically returned byusing a getInstance method. The constructor is set as a private function toprevent users instantiating it.
  • Builder Design Pattern: Builder objects contain methods that tell afactory how to build/configure an object.
  • Prototype Design Pattern: Creates new objects by copying otherobjects. Nice to use a clone factory that accepts an object to clone.
  • Decorator Design Pattern: Adds functionality by using many simpleclasses.
  • Command Design Pattern: Allows you to set aside a list of commandsfor later use. Each command is typically it’s own command object that implementsthe same command interface.
  • Adapter Design Pattern: Allows 2 incompatible objects that share asimilar purpose to work transparently by abstraction.
  • Facade Design Pattern: Decouples or separates the client from all ofthe sub components. Main purpose is to simplify interfaces so you don’t have toworry about what’s going on under the hood. Similar to a Service Design Pattern except a Service typically communicates on external service.
  • Bridge Design Pattern: Defines 2 layers of abstraction. One for thetarget which can be extended for different types of receivers and one for thecontrols which can be extended to different type of controls that will be ableto communicate with the targets.
  • Template Design Pattern: Contains a usually a final method thatdefines the steps of an algorithm. It allows subclasses to configure thetemplate by overwriting methods.
  • Iterator Design Pattern: Provides a uniform way to access differentcollection types of objects. For instance, creating an iterator interface thatyour collections of Arrays, Lists, or Maps can implement so you can iterate overthem the same way.
  • Composite Design Pattern: Allows you to attach individual objectsand a composition of objects uniformly. For example, imagine a folder treestructure starting at root. This can be the root composite object (aka folder)where it accepts types of files and types of folders. File types have no childcomponents attached to them but a folder can have many more files and even moregroupings contained within.
  • Flyweight Design Pattern: Used when creating a lot (i.e.: 100,000 ormore) of similar objects. Objects will be created from a factory that checks ifa pre-existing object does not exist that shares a similar definition. If a pre-existing object exists with a similar configuration then the factory willreturn this rather creating a new object and reconfiguring.
  • State Design Pattern: Allows an object to change it’s behavior whenit’s state changes. Each state implements a behavior associated with it’s stateof context. Should be implemented with as few states as possible. Ie: Imagine adatabase connection that has two states (connected and disconnected) and aquery method. The connection object execute the query method differentlydepending on it’s connection state.
  • Proxy Design Pattern: Provides a class with limited access toanother class. This is done for security reasons.
  • Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern: Sends problem to an objectand if that object can’t use it, then it sends it to an object chained to itthat might. The object chained to it can have an additional object chained andwill continue to run it’s course until it finds an object that can solve theproblem.
  • Interpreter Design Pattern: This pattern solves a problem by using acontext object to interpret an issue and find a class using reflection to returnthe answer.
  • Mediator Design Pattern: Handles communication between relatedobjects without having to know anything about each other. Objects are typicallyconstructed with the mediator passed in. Mediator will regulate interactions.
  • Memento Design Pattern: Useful for saving history states of anobject. The object stored in state is referred to as the Memento. Mementos aremanaged by caretakers contain a list of each version for retrieval. Lastly, wehave an originator which is responsible for communicating with the caretaker tosave and restore states. Imagine a save, under, and redo scenario.
  • Visitor Design Pattern: Allows you to perform the same action onmany objects of different types without much alteration to those classes. Aconcrete Visitor class will implement a common visit method for each type ofvisitor. Each visitable will implement a Visitable interface that implements anaccept method. Upon usage, each visitable object can pass a type of visitorobject to perform different functions. Extremely useful for creating new ways ofVisitors without touching Visitable classes.

Further Reading

C# Design Patterns Examples

C# Design Patterns Cheat Sheet
  • JavaScript Design Patterns: A free book by O’Reily showing many ofthe above design patterns implemented in JavaScript.
  • DesignPatternsPHP Projects: Great code examples of implementing theabove design patterns (and more) in PHP.